Industrial Internet of Things

Línea Investigación Industrial IoT

CATEC has an important experience in the development of customized solutions to improve the productivity of companies and the application of advanced methodologies in manufacturing processes.

Avionics & Systems Division develops innovative solutions for manufacturing systems, testing and verification by integrating heterogeneous information systems, implementing new interfaces, and exploiting technologies related to indoor localization, sensor fusion, virtual and augmented reality, and artificial intelligence.

The technological developments carried out are making it possible to progress in the Factory of the Future vision in terms of the technologies and solutions currently available, having been validated in experimental demonstrations and supporting the companies in the industrialization of their prototypes.

Our extensive experience and know-how allows us to support you in the following points:

  • 100% interconnected factory.
  • Virtual assistant for assembly operations /  Interactive workstations.
  • Augmented reality technologies to improve the efficiency of production processes.
  • Indoor localization systems without external infrastructure.
  • Software to control resources, logistics and production status using new localization systems.
  • Drones for factory applications.



“We are capable of developing what companies require; technological and innovative products with high added value”.


The main lines of collaboration in Avionics and Systems Division are:

  • Participating in R&D projects at European, National and Regional level.
  • • Direct collaboration with companies in order to develop new applications and products.


Advanced engineering and technical consultancy services:

  • Customized solutions development.
  • Prototypes and proof of concepts.
  • Industrial processes improvement using technology.


CATEC has a large experience enabling companies to be supported in the following areas:

  • Industrial Internet of Things.
  • Augmented Reality.
  • Indoor Localization Systems.
  • Virtual /  Augmented Reality applications.
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