• Aníbal Ollero receives the ICUAS Achievement Award

    On June 6, Aníbal Ollero Baturone, scientific director at CATEC, researcher and professor, received the ICUAS Achievement Award “for his outstanding achievements and contributions in Unmanned Aviation and Aerial Robotics” during the celebration of the https://uasconferences.com/2024_icuas/, the most important conference on research in unmanned aerial systems.

    The award was presented by Kimon Valavanis, professor at the University of Denver (USA) and president of the ICUAS Association, Nikos Tsourveloudis, from the Technical University of Crete (Greece), where the Conference was held this year, and Didier Theilliol, from the University of Lorraine (France), General Chairs of ICUAS 2024.

    Aníbal Ollero Baturone has extensive and recognized experience in the field of robotics and research. Doctor of Engineering and Professor of Robotics at the University of Seville, he is currently the researcher with the most publications related to unmanned aerial vehicles and aerial robotics worldwide.

    He has been a professor at the universities of Malaga and Santiago de Compostela, and has carried out research stays at the French CNRS and the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University in the United States in Pittsburgh. His field of research focuses on aerial robotics (devices, manipulation, autonomy) and unmanned aerial vehicles. In Seville he directs a leading research group in aerial robotics executing projects from the European Framework Programs Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. Ollero is also scientific director of CATEC, the Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies. Author of more than 850 publications, including nine books, he is the world's most published author on unmanned aerial vehicles and aerial robotics. He has supervised more than 47 doctoral theses.

    He has received more than 28 awards and distinctions, among which stand out the “Overall ICT Innovation Radar Award”, awarded to him by the European Commission in 2017, the King James I Award in New Technologies in 2019, where the jury noted “his invaluable ability to combine excellence in research and technological innovation, with the transfer of technology to companies in the field of aerial robotics”, and the Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Research Award in 2021.

  • PREVER 2023 Award

    CATEC has received the “Special Mention” in the 25th Edition of the PREVER Awards, which are given to people, institutions and companies that have stood out in the implementation of effective policies in the area of Occupational Risk Prevention during the year 2023.

    Our Director of Corporate Resources, Inmaculada Huertas Olivares, received the award that was presented during the ORP and CSR technical conferences organized by the General Council of Industrial Relations and Labor Sciences of Spain, and which were held in Segovia on March 9 of 2024.

  • Dr. Aníbal Ollero Baturone - Académico de número de la Real Academia de Ingeniería

    Nuestro Director Científico, el Dr. Aníbal Ollero Baturone tomó posesión como académico de número de la Real Academia de Ingeniería con su inspirador discurso de ingreso: “Hacia la robótica aérea bío-inspiradora”.

    El Dr. Aníbal Ollero ha recibido 32 premios y distinciones, incluyendo el Premio Nacional de Investigación en Ingeniería (2021), el premio Rey Jaume I en Nuevas Tecnologías (2019), el Overall Winner del ICT Innovation Radar Award de la Comisión Europea (2017) y ha sido elegido entre los tres innovadores europeos de 2017, entre otros reconocimiento.

  • Premios Andaluces de Telecomunicaciones 2023 "Iniciativa Innovadora"

    CATEC ha sido galardonada dentro de los Premios Andaluces de Telecomunicaciones 2023 en su modalidad "Iniciativa innovadora".

    Estos premios, organizados por el Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación de Andalucía Occidental y Ceuta (COITAOC), reconocen la labor de profesionales, empresas y entidades en el impulso de la innovación y la sociedad del conocimiento.

  • Premio I+Dron

    El Premio I+Dron ha sido otorgado por la Fundación ENAIRE a CATEC por sus tecnologías de swarming.

    Este galardón reconoce investigaciones y proyectos innovadores en el sector de los drones, así como el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones. El jurado ha valorado el trabajo de CATEC de cara a la búsqueda de forma automática con evitación de obstáculos.

  • Premios Nacionales de Investigación 2021

    El Dr. Anibal Ollero Baturone, recibe el Premio Nacional de Investigación en Ingenierías, que reconoce la excelencia de su actividad investigadora en diferentes campos del área de Ingeniería, destacando el desarrollo de sistemas autónomos en diversos sectores.

  • International Robotics Challenge 2020

    El equipo Iberian Robotics formado por CATEC, la Universidad de Sevilla y el Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) de Lisboa gana el Challenge 3 de la Mbzirc Internacional Robotics Competition, la competición más importante del mundo en Robótica International Robotics Challenge.

  • Premios ASPROMEC 2020

    CATEC fue finalista en la categoría de "Mejor Equipamiento de Centros Tecnológicos" en la 2ª edición de los Premios ASPROMEC que reconocen a empresas e instituciones que contribuyen de manera relevante al desarrollo del sector industrial.

  • FLORIDA Venture FORUM 2020

    CATEC fue seleccionada como una de las 3 instituciones internacionales para participar en el FLORIDA Venture FORUM, cuna mundial de la industria Espacial.

  • EGNOS 2019

    Premio otorgado por GSA (European GNSS Agency) recibido junto con AESA por el liderazgo del SGT1.2 de la Comisión Asesora de AESA que ha desarrollado el material guía, donde por primera vez en Europa se reconoce el uso de EGNOS como una tecnología válida para conocer la posición del dron durante el vuelo, incluso para operaciones para riegos medio y alto (según la metodología SORA).

  • Mención de Honor “Senador Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 2019” del Senado de Argentina para el Dr. Lasagni Director Técnico de CATEC. Este galardón internacional reconoce sus logros en el campo de la innovación tecnológica, concretamente en el área de ciencias de materiales. Se trata de un prestigioso reconocimiento del Senado de Argentina que otorga desde el año 2004 a personas físicas o jurídicas de diversos ámbitos (cultural, deportivo, profesional y académico) por su obra emprendedora destinada a mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos/as, de las instituciones y de sus comunidades.

  • Dr. Aníbal Ollero, awarded 2019 Rei Jaume I Prize in New Technologies

    Dr. Aníbal Ollero, Systems Engineering and Automatics department Profesor (Seville University) and FADA Scientific Advisor, has been selected to receive the 2018 Rei Jaume I Prize – Category: New Technologies.

    Established in 1989, the Jaume I awards are funded by the Government of Valencia and the Valencian Foundation for Advanced Studies (FVEA). The award is given annually to six researchers for their contributions in the areas of General Research, Medical Research, Environmental Protection, New Technologies, Urban Studies, and Economics. Recipients are chosen by a distinguished committee of academics and researchers, which included 19 Nobel Laureates this year.

  • Dr. Fernando Lasagni, International Award “Georg-Sachs-Preis 2018”

    Dr. Fernando Lasagni (CTO – Materials & Processes) has been awarded with the prestigious Georg Sachs Prize. With this prize (delivered each year by the German Society of Materials –DGM ), the scientific work of a relevant researcher is honoured in the field of materials science and engineering. The prize award ceremony took place last September 2018 during the DGM-Tag (day) in Darmstadt, Germany.

  • Overall Winner of the Innovation Radar Prize 201

    Innovation Radar Prize 2017- Industrial & Enabling Tech. 

    CATEC has won the prestigious 2017 Innovation Radar Prize, an initiative promoted by the European Commission with the aim of promoting innovations from all over Europe that present a high potential for its later application in the market. CATEC has achieved this recognition thanks to the development of a new pioneering worldwide technology that allows the use of aerial robots and small unmanned aircraft, popularly known as drones, that will be used to perform industrial inspections that require contact. This technology, called AEROX, was selected in the final phase of a contest in which 48 of the best EU-funded innovations have participated.

  • EU Drones Award 2017

    Category: Best “Drone-Based Solution”  

  • CATEC, European leader in Additive Manufacturing

    The Advanced Center or Aerospace Technologies (CATEC) has become one of the European leader in the development of additive manufactured applications for space and aeronautics, including hardware for critical or secondary structures as:

    Full AM clampband system for Ariane5 launcher.

    Load carrying structure for large telecom satellite (flight parts).

    Secondary structure for CHEOPS satellite (flight parts).

    Antenna for PROBA3 satellite (flight part).

    Flap fittings for RACER helicopter (flight parts).

    Several military and commercial aircraft parts (C295, A400M, A320neo, etc.).

  • HÉLICE Award 2017

    CATEC has received the Innovation Development award at the I edition of the HÉLICE Awards.

    premio helice
  • Research, Innovation, Development and Enterprise Award 2017 - Academy of Social Sciences and Environment of Andalusia

    The Academy of Social Sciences and Environment of Andalusia, with the sponsorship of the Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation and the Confederation of Businessmen of Andalusia give this award to CATEC, in its seventh edition - Category: " Research Center ".

    These awards acknowledge and distinguish those entities and institutions that enable the contribution to innovation and technological development.

    Premio Ciencias
  • Antonio Torres R&D Award 2017

    CATEC has been awarded the "Antonio Torres" R&D Award, a prestigious award granted by the public company ISDEFE (Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España), belonging to the Ministry of Defense of Spain, within the framework of the National Congress of R&D in Defense and Security (DESEi + d). 

    This recognition has been granted to Miguel Ángel Trujillo, Head of Autonomous Systems unit, along with his co-authors, Dr. Antidio Viguria, CTO Avionics & Systems, Dr. Aníbal Ollero, Scientific Advisor and Raúl Cano, for the development of the first air robot with arms capable of performing complex manipulations.

    Premio Antonio Torres

    Second place

  • MBZIRC ROBOTIC CHALLENGE - “Mohamed Bin Zayed  International Robotics Challenge” 2016

    CATEC achieved the 5th best result in Challenge 1: requires an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to locate, track and land on top of a moving ground vehicle.

  • 1st Simultaneous flight of civil drone and manned aircraft in ATLAS (Spain) 2016

    Led by Indra with partners CRIDA, ENAIRE and FADA-CATEC (ARIADNA consortium), the flight tests are among the first to be undertaken in Europe of a drone operating close to conventional traffic near an airport. The flight testing took place in our Center ATLAS, located in Villacarrillo (Jaen) in Spain, which has associated airspace that can be segregated for such operations. 2016.