
CATEC is a technological center that develops its activity based on seven strategic lines:

1. New composite materials, their production processes, life cycle and recycling. Automation of production, assembly, inspection and testing

2. New onboard systems: electrical, hydraulic, compressed air, fuel, etc. directed to achieve the most efficient and ecological plane.

3. New Avionics Systems and subsystems, especially with application to general aviation, sports, business and Very Light Jets.

4. New techniques of air traffic management, including management of airports and their technical facilities.

5. Unmanned Aircraft, its applications and associated technologies. Special attention to commercial, civil and security applications. The UAV's as a flight test platform.

6. Development of computational simulation techniques and their applications to systems, platforms and / or vehicles (integrated systems)

7. Development of techniques, components, subsystems, systems and spatial applications.

For all these reasons, CATEC is a development tool that bases its work on technical excellence and responsiveness to its customers and intends to become, in the coming years, one of the R & D centers of national and international reference for the development of aerospace technology.

CATEC has a staff of more than 100 researchers as well as specialized technical personnel, most of them being engineers and engineers from the Industrial, Aeronautical, Telecommunications, Materials, Computer or Chemical fields, and there are also some graduates in other technical careers.

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CATEC - Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales CATEC - La Rinconada (Sevilla)
Location: Aerospace Technology Park of Andalusia, Aerópolis, St. Wilbur and Orville Wright 19, Zip Code 41309 La Rinconada, Sevilla
100     people
4.500     m2 of surface




Location: Rúa das Hedras 6, exterior ground floor 2.4 or local “O” Zip Code 15895 O Milladoiro, A Coruña
7     people
350     m2 of surface




ATLASα - Villacarrillo (Jaén)
Location: Camino de Herrera s/n Zip Code 23300 Villacarrillo (Jaen)

ATLASβ - Beas de Segura (Jaén)
Location: The Cornicabral. National Highway 322 (Cordoba-Valencia) at Km 206. Beas de Segura (Jaen)

16     people
2.000     m2 of surface
  • Segregated airspace 30x35Km up to 5,000ft (TSA 30 ATLAS)
  • ATLAS Alpha Tracks:
    • Land elevation: 448 m (1,470 feet).
    • A paved track of 18 m wide
    • Runway 05-27, 600 m long, paved and painted
  • ATLAS Bravo Tracks:
    • Land elevation: 542 m (1,780 feet).
    • Two paved runways of 15 m wide, with margins of7.5 m security on each side
    • Runway 09-27, 1,500 m long, paved and painted
    • Runway 16-34, 650 m long, paved and painted





7     people
300     m2 of surface